Our role as a digital marketing agency is to make sure that our clients can communicate with their customers in the best possible way. We learn all we can about their business, the specifics of the goods or services provided, their unique selling points and brand identity.
We then transmit this information via site content, search engines, email campaigns and social media to those users we identify as the best possible targets for conversion.
This all starts with our relationship with the client themselves, and the first step is listening to what our clients have to say.
Our goals with any client come from what that client wishes to achieve, so the first step in any digital marketing campaign has to be listening. Every one of our clients will have an intrinsic understanding of their own industry, their target demographics, and their overall plans. This is valuable information that helps us to sculpt an overall strategy to suit their needs.
Every businessperson has a vision for their company. It’s our role to absorb this, filter it through our experience, apply our skills and help to make it real.
We make sure that we listen to what our clients need, but the most important aspect of the relationships we build with our clients is dialogue. Conversation allows us to blend industry expertise with our team’s various skillsets and come up with effective tactics for achieving goals.
Clients will often come to us with plans that don’t quite fit into a digital framework. They may have impressions of their target users that don’t tally with the absolute truth that the data gives us. They may have acquired knowledge of old fashioned SEO tactics that are no longer effective, or may even be actively engaged in activities that harm the search presence of their sites without knowing it.
Here is how we ensure that we have trust: we never lie to our clients.
If you come to us with an idea that won’t work, we’ll tell you. Not just that, but we’ll explain why (referring to real data we can show you), and present an alternative that will work. We don’t believe in there being any mystery about what we do, and we want our clients to have the best possible understanding of how their business can work online. We provide training whenever it’s necessary, and are always happy to talk about what we do in a way that every one of our clients can understand.
It’s all about honesty – we always provide truthful feedback, bad or good, but whatever we’re suggesting it will have been devised with a view to achieving the client’s goals.