Looking for a “part time jobs near me”? If you looking for a home-based part time job near you in digital marketing, look no further. Novi.Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency that has worked with FTSE250 companies. Find out about how you can become involved.
As an agency, Novi.Digital works at the forefront of the digital marketing landscape. That’s why we are looking for team members that can bring passion and creativity as we work with bigger clients than ever before. Ideal candidates will show a desire to develop their knowledge of SEO and PPC and an ability to work cohesively within a diverse team. This page is here just for those like you, looking for part time jobs near me. All of our roles conform to the ACAS requirements to ensure a positive working environment for all.
The positions detailed below are home-based, meaning that applicants do not need to be based in proximity to our offices. As such, successful applicants should be able to demonstrate their ability to work from home and communicate effectively with our team.
As an agency with an extremely high client retention rate, the needs of our clients are paramount. Digital Marketing Consultant’s are responsible for developing and maintaining client relationships for the agency. That’s why communication skills are essential for this position, both in terms of relaying information to the Operations Manager and discussing the details of campaigns with clients.
Successful candidates will be both entrepreneurial and creative thinkers with a desire to progress their career in the digital marketing sector. As a home-based position, it is also important that candidates are self-motivated.
Digital Marketing Executives work closely with Digital Marketing Consultants to implement the strategy and objectives for each individual client to ensure a successful relationship. Fundamentally, this position requires an eye for precision and a demonstratable ability to work closely to deadlines.
Candidates should be able to display an aptitude for quickly adapting to various forms of digital marketing software for campaigns. Working remotely will also require candidates to be able to work to shared deadlines and communicate important information clearly and concisely with DMCs.
If you believe that you are suited to either part time position, please send your CV and covering letter to [email protected]. Similarly, if you have any questions about either role, please call us on 0800 955 6684 or email us at [email protected].